How to cancel a customer's subscription

In this article, you will learn how to manually unsubscribe a customer.

Go to "Sales" (number 1 in the image) and click "Subscriptions" (number 2 in the image).

In the search field, enter the subscriber's email address (number 3 in the image), then click "Filter" (number 4 in the image).

Finally, click on the 3 dots then click on "Unsubscribe" for the subscription you want to cancel (number 5 in the image).

When unsubscribing, there are two options:

1) Unsubscribe when the subscription period ends: this option will cancel the resources listed on the payment page on the date the customer is scheduled to pay for their subscription (number 6 in the image).

For example, if the customer subscribed on January 1st, and you cancel their subscription on January 15th, they will lose their access on February 1st.

2) Cancel now: this option will cancel the resources listed on the payment page immediately (number 7 in the image).

For example, if the customer subscribed on January 1st, and you cancel their subscription on January 15th, they will lose their access on the same day (January 15th).

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