How to change the favicon of my pages
In this article, you will learn how to change the favicon of your pages.
You will need:
- a account
- a favicon (32*32 PX) as the ideal size
First, click on your profile picture, then click on "Settings" (number 1 in the image)
To display the settings for the domain name you wish to add a favicon to, click on "Custom domains" (number 2 in the image), then click on the 3 dots, then on "Settings" (number 3 in the image).
When the popup appears, click on the "Upload your favicon file" button to upload the file (number 4 in the image).
Click on "Save" to save the favicon. (number 5 in the image).
- The allowed file formats for favicons are png, jpg, jpeg, and gif.
- The limit allowed for the favicon image width is 64px. If the width exceeds 64px, it will not be possible to integrate it.