How to integrate ActiveCampaign with

This guide will walk you through how to integrate ActiveCampaign with

Important note: This integration is not mandatory. If you want to make use of email marketing in you can do so for free using our built-in autoresponder.

To get started, you will need the following:

1. How to integrate and ActiveCampaign:

Navigate to "Settings" (number 1 in the image) and click on "ActiveCampaign integration" (number 2 in the image).

Ensure your API is enabled in ActiveCampaign. If you haven't enabled your API, please refer to this ActiveCampaign article to learn how to enable it and generate your API URL and Token.

Once your API is enabled, activate the integration by checking the box labeled "Active" and inserting the API URL and Token into the respective fields:

Finally, click "Save" to activate the integration.

2. How the integration works:

Please note that this integration operates with three triggers:

  1. Contact created.
  2. Tag added (If a contact is added to a tag in and that tag does not exist in ActiveCampaign, the tag will be automatically created in ActiveCampaign).
  3. Tag removed.

Contacts and their associated tags will be synchronized with your contact list in ActiveCampaign.


  • This is a one-way integration, meaning that changes made to your contact list within ActiveCampaign will not be reflected in
  • If you reset your API key in ActiveCampaign, remember to update it in your settings as well.
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