How to remove the "No lectures yet" message from your course

In this article, you will learn how to remove the "No lectures yet" message that appears when you preview your course.

Why do I see this message?

The "No lectures yet" message is displayed when you have created your course, but have not published any lectures yet.

Publishing lectures

Navigate to the "Products" tab (number 1 in the image), then to the "Courses" section (number 2 in the image).

Click on your course to view the modules and lectures.

If you see the "No lectures yet" message, it means that your lectures haven't been published yet and are are "Inactive" (they are in draft mode).

To publish a lecture, hover over the 3 dots (...) and click on "Activate" (number 3 in the image).

After publishing your lectures, you will no longer see the "No lectures yet" message while previewing your course or when a student accesses your course.
Important: When you create a new lecture, it is automatically saved as a draft. Therefore, you must always remember to "Activate" your new lectures to ensure your students can access them.
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