How to cancel a subscription to or an offer hosted on
In this article, you will learn how to cancel your subscription to or to an offer that is hosted on our platform.
To access your subscription settings, click your "Profile Picture" (number 1 in the image), then "Settings" (number 2 in the image). From the settings menu on the left, click "Manage my subscriptions" to display a list of your subscriptions. (number 3 in the image).
On the subscription you want to cancel, click the 3 dots then "Cancel subscription" (number 4 in the image).
A popup will be displayed asking to confirm the cancellation. Click "Confirm" to cancel your subscription (number 5 in the image).
- The cancellation will take effect just before the next expiration date.
- The resource is removed automatically, so if a customer cancels their subscription, they will no longer have access to their subscription plan or the offer they originally subscribed to.
- Only subscriptions will be displayed in this section, offers that are paid in installments cannot be canceled using this method.