How to integrate your Mercado Pago account with

In this article, you will learn how to integrate your Mercado Pago account with

To connect to a Mercado Pago account, go to your profile picture in your account and click on "Settings" (number 1 in the image), then click on "Payment Gateways" from the menu on the left of the page (number 2 in the image).

In the payment gateways section, click "Connect" for the Mercado Pago option.

In the popup that appears, you will be asked to fill in the "API Public Key", "Access Token", and "Country" fields:

To generate and get the production credentials for your Mercado Pago account, log into your account and follow these steps:

1) Generate the Mercado Pago credentials

1.1 On the main panel of your Mercado Pago account, click on "Your Business" (number 3 in the image), and then on "Settings" (number 4 in the image).

1.2 Next, click on the "Credentials" box, located under the "Management and Administration" section (number 5 in the image).

1.3 In the "Credentials" section you will need to create an "Application" to generate this set of credentials.

To do so:

  • Assign a name to your application
  • Select the "Online Payments" option
  • Answer "Yes" to the question "Are you using an e-commerce platform?"
  • For the "Select the platform you will use to integrate" field, select "Other platforms"
  • For the "Which product are you integrating" field, select "Transparent Checkout"

You must also:

  • Authorize the use of your personal data
  • Select the Recaptcha

Finally, click on the "Create Application" button (number 6 in the image).

A message will be displayed to confirm that the application has been created.

1.4. In the "Credentials" section, click on "Enable Credentials" (number 7 in the image).

1.5 To activate production credentials:

  • Select an industry that best applies to your business
  • Add your business website (optional)
  • Authorize the use of your personal data
  • Select the Recaptcha

Finally, click the blue "Enable production credentials" button (number 8 in the image).

1.6. The system should now have generated the following production credentials:

  • Public Key
  • Access Token

These are the credentials you need to enter in your account to connect your Mercado Pago account as a payment method:

Note: you will have one set of credentials for each tool you use.

1.7 After generating your application and credentials, proceed to enter them into your account (number 9 in the image):

2) IPN configuration in Mercado Pago

Once the integration is done, you will receive a webhook URL that must be entered into your Mercado Pago account dashboard to allow to process payment events.

2.1 Copy the webhook URL provided when you integrated your Mercado Pago account (number 10 in the image).

2.2 Login to your Mercado Pago account and go to the developer panel (, then click on the application you created in the previous step (number 11 in the image).

2.3 In the "Notifications" section, click on "Webhooks" (number 12 in the image).

2.4 In the "Production Mode" field enter the URL of the webhook generated by (number 13 in the image) and in the "Events" field select the following events (number 14 in the image):

  • Payments
  • Plans and subscriptions

To learn more about webhook configuration, we recommend you read this article.

Finally, click the "To save" button (number 15 in the image).


  • The fields "Email", "Last name", "First name" and "Tax number" are mandatory on your payment pages for a payment to be successfully processed by Mercado Pago.
  • Only one country can be selected to integrate a Mercado Pago account (Brazil, Colombia, Mexico or Argentina).
  • Linking a Mercado Pago account will allow you to create prices in the currency of the country related to the Mercado Pago account (i.e. create prices and receive payments in Brazilian Reais, Colombian Pesos, Mexican Pesos, or Argentine Pesos respectively).

What happens when a Mercado Pago payment fails?

  1. Cards: Three attempts will be made. The delay between each attempt cannot be modified. To find out the delay between each attempt, please contact Mercado Pago support.
  2. Boleto, Pix: There will be three attempts, each 7 days apart. The delay between each attempt cannot be modified.
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