How to integrate Xendit with

In this article, you will learn how to integrate your Xendit account with your account. 

To get started, you will need:

Setup and configuration in your account :

To connect your account to your Xendit account, click on your profile picture, and then "Settings" (number 1 in the image). Next, in the menu on the left side of your page, click "Payment Gateways" (number 2 in the image). 

On the payment gateway options page, click on "Connect" for the Xendit option (number 3 in the image). 

A popup window will open in which you must enter the organization name, the webhook secret, and the secret and public access tokens.

Setup and configuration in your Xendit account :

How to generate API secret & public keys?

API Keys for your integration can be done by following the steps below:

  • Put the toggle in "Live Mode" where you'll generate API keys for Live / Production Mode where you will integrate to transact with real money;

  • Click on "API Key" in the Developers section


  • Decide which API Key that you are generating:

1. Public API Key:

Click "Copy" on the blue button under "Public Key" to integrate Xendit Gateways into your account.


Note: Your public API Key would start with "xnd_public"

2. Secret API Key :

Click "Generate secret key" on the blue button under "Secret keys"

On the popup that appears, follow these steps :

a) Input the desired name of the API Key

b) Select the API key permission below

  1. Money-in products: Write
  2. Money-out products: Read
  3. Balance: Read
  4. Report: Write
  5. Transaction: Read
  6. xenPlatform
  • Account: Write
  • Account Holder: Write
  • Split Payments: Write
  1. xenShield: Write

c) Click on Generate Key to copy your Secret API key and add it into the popup in your account to integrate Xendit Gateways


  1. Your secret API Key would start with "xnd_production" for LIVE Secret API Key
  2. The generated Secret API Key is not going to be able to be viewed anymore. If you forgot or misplaced your Secret API Key, please kindly delete the generated API secret Key and generate a new one.

How to configure Webhooks ?

Once logged in to your Xendit Dashboard, choose "Settings"

Click the "Webhook" section on the Settings Page 

Enable auto-retry for failed webhook

This should be done to have a better experience in handling your webhook.

Obtaining your webhook verification token

  1. Click on "View Webhook Verification Token".

    Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 13.40.11.png

  2. Enter your password.


  3. Copy the token to use it to integrate Xendit Gateways into your account.

What happens when Xendit payment fails?

In addition to the main direct debit attempt, three attempts will be made at 7-day intervals. The delay between each attempt cannot be changed.

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