Why aren't my emails being sent?

If you are using systeme.io to send an email, and it has not been sent yet (pending), please do not try to send it again.

Below, we explain the reasons why the sending of your email may be pending:

1. New user e-mail verification:

We have to take a lot of precautions with new users to protect the deliverability of the platform. Here's how it works:

  • We send the first 100 emails immediately
  • After the 100th email, we stop and wait 6 hours
  • After 6 hours, we check the statistics. If they are bad, we move the user to the quarantine pool
  • If the stats are good, we send the next 100 emails
  • After the 200th email, we stop again and wait another 6 hours
  • After 6 hours, we check statistics and move the user to the quarantine pool or high/medium/low-risk pool (if more than 500 emails have been sent and the account is older than 16 days). Otherwise, the user remains in the new users' group

Click here to find out more about how systeme.io manages the sending of your emails.

2. Sending of your emails is suspended when you import a list of contacts:

When the user imports a list of contacts, sending their emails is temporarily suspended. This measure aims to ensure the quality of email deliverability and prevent any potential issues. Our goal is not to inconvenience the user, but rather to assist by ensuring that their list of contacts is healthy. A high-quality contact list minimizes the risks of deliverability issues.

Contact List Verification

To ensure the quality of the contact list, we check several elements:

  • List origin: We ask the user to specify how and where they obtained their contacts.
  • List condition: We assess the quality of the email addresses in the list.
  • Domain condition: We examine the domain used for sending to detect any potential issues.

Importance of List Quality

When a contact list is large, transferring it from one autoresponder to another can lead to major deliverability issues. By verifying the contact list, we offer the user the opportunity to start on our platform with a healthy foundation, thus minimizing the risks of negative consequences.

Prohibition of Non-Compliant Lists

Purchased contact lists, lists collected from the internet, or obtained without the explicit consent of their owners are strictly prohibited on systeme.io. This rule is in place to protect the reputation of our platform and ensure the best possible experience for our users.

By conducting these verifications, we support the user in using our autoresponder without encountering deliverability issues, thus maximizing the efficiency of their emails.

3. Use of suspicious words:

systeme.io uses an anti-spam filter that suspends the sending of an email if it contains a suspicious word.

Our team checks the emails. If the content is legitimate, they will allow the sending of the email, and they will approve the user so his/her emails are not to be delayed or blocked again for this.

If none of these reasons apply to your case, feel free to contact the support team for assistance.

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