How to provide your students with a certificate of completion
In this article, you will learn how to provide your students with a certificate of completion for a course.
- a account
- a course
- at least 1 student
In your account :
In the menu, click on "Products" (number 1 in the image) and then "Courses" (number 2 in the image)
Go to the "Settings" section of your course, by clicking on the 3 dots (number 3 in the image)
Next, you need to tick the "Issue certificate upon completion" box (number 4 in the image).
On your student's account :
The student must mark all lectures of the course as completed, until 100% progress has been made, in order to be able to download the certificate.
The "Certificate of completion" section then appears, and the student simply clicks on the "Download Certificate of Completion" button.
You will find an example of a certificate generated automatically by our system