How to connect your GoDaddy domain to

On this page, you will learn how to add DNS records to GoDaddy to connect your main domain name. This will allow you to add your full website ( to to use as a custom domain in your sales funnels and blogs, which can be useful for your business
What you'll need:
  • a account
  • a domain name purchased from GoDaddy
Important: Please follow the first step of this article before completing this one.
After adding the root domain to, you need to access the DNS settings from your GoDaddy account
Note 1: Each domain added to has its own CNAME records to be integrated into the hosting service.
In this example, we will integrate the domain to

You will have to connect to your account, then click on your profile picture and go to "Custom domains" and click on "Add domain"


First CNAME:

  • Redirect to the "Manage DNS" of your domain name.
  • Click on "Add" >> Select "CNAME" type >> add on the name field "www" >> then add "" in the value field.

Important: If a CNAME record with the name "www" already exists, edit the value to ""

Second CNAME:

  • Redirect to the "Manage DNS" of your domain name.
  • Click on "Add" >> Select "CNAME" type >> add on the name field everything before the domain name, in our example "_56974be27d5669e5a808095f74485a93.example" >> then add "" in the value field.

Add a Forwarding Rule:

  • Redirect to "Manage DNS" for your domain name
  • Click on "Forwarding", then "Add forwarding" for a domain
  • Select https://
  • Enter in "Destination URL" ( in the web address field then validate
  • Select forward type "Permanent (301)"
  • Finally, press "Save" to save

Once the two CNAMEs have been added to your host, you can check their propagation on the following site: 

The indicators should all be green, like in the example below. If not, the records have not been entered correctly. You need to reconsider your DNS: 

Note 2: It can take between 24-48 hours for DNS Records to fully propagate.

Note 3: Sometimes your host may not be able to record your CNAMEs due to a conflict with another DNS. 

At this point, you should contact your web hosting provider to find out the importance of these DNS and give you the authorization to delete them.
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