How to grant access to a course on a specific date
In this article, you’ll learn how to grant access to a course on a specific date.
- a account
- an order form
- a student
Setting a date for your course launch
To set a specific date for your course launch, follow these steps:
1. Go to the payment page of the sales funnel you’re going to use to sell your course, select the "Digital product" offer type (number 1 in the image), then click on the "(+)" button in the "Resources" tab (number 2 in the image).
2. Choose the "Courses" resource and select the course of your choice, the type of access you want to grant to your customers, then you will see a setting that you must activate by clicking on the "Grant access on specific date" switcher.
3. Select the publication date of your choice, then save.
- Your student will gain access to the course on the selected day at 00:00 in your time zone
- You could also set an expiration delay if you select "Full access" or "Partial access" instead of "Drip content" (learn the difference between the two here)
- Expiration delays are set in days
- Access to the course will be granted from the day set for unlocking until the specified expiration date
Here is an example of a granted timed access to a course:
In the payment page of the sales funnel we’re using to sell our course, we selected resources settings and set the following values:
- The date to grant access to the course is 01/01/2024
- The expiration delay is set to 30 days
Students will get access to the course from 01/01/2024 at 00:00 (your time zone) until 30/01/2024 at 23:59, and that’s 30 full days of access (please note that May has 31 days).