How to share a course

On this page, we will see how to share a course from one account to another. 

It is possible to share one or more courses with other users. To do so, you must first create a course.

How do I create a course?
Go to the "Menu" >> "Products" >> "Courses" (number 1 in the image), then click on "Add a new course" to create a new course (number 2 in the image).

To learn more about creating a course in, click here.

Once the course is created, click on "Share" after clicking on the 3 dots (number 3 in the image).

A popup will appear containing the URL of the shared course and a button that allows you to share it with other users (number 4 in the image).

Once you have copied the link, you can share it with your contacts.

How will users be able to retrieve this course? 
Once your contacts have the course share link, they must first log in to their account, then paste the URL they have received into their browser URL bar. A message will appear indicating that the course has been successfully added to their account (number 5 in the image)

The course will be available on the list of courses in the account. You can view it by going to Menu >> Products >> Courses (number 6 in the image).

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