How to set up an A/B test

In this article, you will learn how to set up an A/B test using

To get started, you will need the following:

First, you will need to create two pages within the same funnel. These will be the two variants of your split test.

To create an A/B test between "Variant A" and "Variant B", both pages must exist within the sales funnel.

You will also need to select a goal page for your A/B test in this funnel. The purpose of the Goal Page is to have a common page to which the variants in the A/B test lead. 

We are going to give you an example of creating an A/B test between two variations of squeeze pages, here are the steps we need to follow:

1. Create two squeeze pages in the same funnel, which will be the two variants of our test.

2. You need to configure a redirect to the goal page of your A/B test from the variant pages. 

In this example, we have chosen to set up a sales page as the goal page. 
For other types of pages, refer to the article below for more information:

3. Click on the "A/B test" tab (number 1 in the image).

4. Click on "Choose a variant" (number 2 in the image).

5. A popup will appear to choose two pages for the test :

  • Variant page: You must choose the variation B page that variation A will compete against within the A/B test (number 3 in the image)
  • Goal page: Choose an objective page leads must access afterward. This will allow us to know which variant is most efficient and converts better (number 4 in the image)

  1. Click on "Start A/B test" (number 5 in the image).

7. If you make a mistake when choosing the variant, you can delete the A/B test (number 6 in the image).

Once you've started the split test, you will see a statistics table that shows you the results of the test.

Note 1: The pages of the A/B test will have an icon to differentiate them from other pages.

Note 2: Although pages in an A/B test can be duplicated, they cannot be deleted or moved to another funnel.
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