How to sell your eBook

In this article, you will learn how to sell your eBook with

What you will need: 

3 ways to provide access to your eBook

You can provide access to your eBook resource in 3 different ways:
  1. You can send the file as an email attachment.
  2. You can also send it as a download link to a file (this method is better for email deliverability since the size of the email will be reduced).
  3. Finally, you may add a direct download link to the eBook on the thank-you page where customers are redirected after purchasing.

1) Sending the eBook as an email attachment

Adding a tag

In your sales funnel, click on your payment page. Choose the type of offer "Digital Product". Then, click on "Create digital product" to create a new digital product. (number 1 on the image).

After creating a new digital product, you must assign it a name by filling in the field "Digital Product Name". Then, click on the "+" icon to add a resource to your offer (number 2 in the image), then select "Tags" (number 3 in the image).

Finally, you must click on "Save" for the resource to be saved (number 4 in the image).

Creating an automation rule to send an email

Next, create an automation rule with the trigger 'New Sale,' which activates when someone purchases the offer. Click on "Add an action" and select the action "Send email" (shown as number 5 in the image). Then, click on '+' to create the email (number 6 in the image).

Add your eBook as an attachment to the email (number 7 in the image).
Note: The maximum file size for attachments is 5 MB.

Finally, click on "Save rule" (number 8 in the image).

By following these steps, each customer who purchases through your payment page will automatically be assigned a tag and be sent an email with your eBook attached. 

2) Including the eBook as a download link in an email

For this method, you will first need to upload your file to a hosting platform, such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, or any other host of your choice, and then include the link in the body of your email.

3) Including the eBook on the thank-you page 

For this method, please refer to the following article: "How to add a downloadable file".
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