How to give free access to a course

In this article, you will learn how to give your contacts free access to a course.

You will need:

  • an active account
  • a sales funnel
  • a course

Method 1: Manually give a student access to a course

To add a student manually, please refer to the following article:

Method 2: Automatically give a student access to a course using a squeeze page

Create a new sales funnel with a squeeze page and "thank you" page. Open the squeeze page and click on the "Edit page" button to access the page editor:

Create an opt-in form in the squeeze page's editor. The form should contain at least one "Form input" element of the "Email" type and a button with the "Submit form" action.

Close the editor and open the "Automation rules" tab on the same page. Click the "Add rule" button.

Choose the "Funnel step form subscribed" trigger.

Click the "Add action" button and choose the "Enroll in course" action.

Select a course from the dropdown list and specify the course access type: 

  • Full access will allow students to access all the modules and lectures immediately
  • You can also set up drip content to provide gradual access to the course content.

Click the "Save rule" button to save the changes.

Now, when your students opt-in on the squeeze page and click the 'Submit form' button, the automation rule will be triggered, enrolling them in the course automatically.

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