How to automatically send an email when a lead subscribes

In this article, you will learn how to automatically send an email when a lead subscribes.

What you'll need:

  • a account
  • a sales funnel
  • a squeeze page
  1. Create an automation rule
Navigate to your squeeze page in the funnel editor, click on the "Automation Rules" tab (number 1 in the image), and then on "Add Rule" (number 2 in the image).

On the "Add trigger" popup that appears, choose "Funnel step form subscribed" (number 3 in the image).

After clicking on the specified trigger, the following buttons will appear:

  • Add action - to specify which action to perform after a purchase
  • Save rule - to save the rule
  • Back - to go back to the automation rules page
To add an action, specifically the email action, click on the "Add Action" button (number 4 in the image).

On the "Add action" popup that appears, choose the "Send email" action (number 5 in the image).

Note: Optionally, add the action "Add a tag" to categorize your contacts. Click here to see how to create a tag.
2. Create an email:
After adding the actions, click on the "+" icon to create the email, then on the pencil icon to modify it (number 6 in the image).

Note 2: Optionally, you can also include a file attachment (e.g., PDF) when sending emails to your prospects. Additionally, you have the option to insert substitution variables into the email body as necessary. After completing the email, remember to save it by clicking on "Save" (number 7 in the image).

Note 3: To modify your email, click on the pencil icon (number 8 in the image).

When you're done, click on "Save rule" (number 9 in the image). To return to the main automation rules tab where the entire rule is displayed, click on "Back".

Additionally, when you click on the 3 dots for a given rule, you will have the option to:
  • Edit automation rule
  • Disable rule
  • Delete rule

3. Testing the email automation

We advise you to do a test registration on your squeeze page to confirm that everything is working properly. If you encounter any problem with your email not being sent, contacts not being registered, etc., you can contact support by clicking here.

  • The form button's action must be set to "send form" for the rule for sending the email to be triggered automatically after submission (How to set up a button)
  • To improve email deliverability, we restrict the size of file attachments to 5MB. If your file is larger than 5MB, you will need to compress it before adding it.
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